Coach and Horses Bed and Breakfast / Guest House in Llanidloes Powys Mid Wales
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Llanidloes Golf Club

St. Idloes Golf Club was founded 1897 on its present site, which was then the local race course and cricket practice ground.

The club has always drawn its membership from the local people. Golf may be an elitist sport elsewhere in the country, but in a small country town where everybody knows one another nothing could be further from the truth.

The club has a wonderful friendly atmosphere, which is extended without reservation to visitors.

Come and visit st idloes golf club and try our course as a guest...

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Room available with disability access

For more information call Katrina and Glyn 01686 413758
Coach & Horses (Llanidloes) Bed and Breakfast, 12 Smithfield Street, Llanidloes, Powys, Mid Wales SY18 6EJ
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